这一流行病以广泛的方式改变了我们的世界, 从旅游到贸易, 从卫生系统到社会平等, 数字化到网络安全, 从全球化到城市化.
是有远见的, 思想家, 实干家, we're challenging the accepted and working with clients on both the seen and surprising ways that things are changing.
Our reimagined solutions drive resilient outcomes now through the pandemic to what comes next as the world changes and we face other unprecedented challenges.
今天的挑战. 我们用独特的方式挑战公认的东西, 运用我们的专长和知识来重新思考我们解决问题的方式.
重塑明天. 结果, 从我们为客户打造的创新到我们的解决方案对世界的积极影响.
我们的顶尖专家对未来不断变化的道路有着不同的看法, 期待什么,如何计划,如何适应和发展 交付弹性项目.
Simetrica-正规博彩十大网站排名 and the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) published a report looking at the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health and wellbeing of people in the U.K. 该报告发现,美国各地的幸福感和心理困扰程度“严重恶化”.K. 与2019年同期相比. 所有幸福指标的水平在美国都是最低的.K. 自2011年开始记录以来,许多人都超过了精神疾病的发病阈值.
在这期If/When节目中,我们采访了Dr. 戴安娜·安德森博士. Desmond O’Neill and Thomas Grey about the importance of the built environment for nursing homes and its impact on residents; what the COVID-19 pandemic revealed about existing challenges within nursing homes; and what an ideal environment for nursing home residents might look like going forward.
火花第4集:气候变化 & 全球健康,全球
在这期节目中,我们和Dr. Nino Kharaishvili和Ms. Andrea Rezzonico about health and climate intersection and how it impacts the global One 健康 initiative and our common ecosystem. We will be exploring geographical areas around the globe and examine population categories that are most affected by the climate change and complex emergencies. We will also be discussing some actions that policy makers and leaders around the world need to take to build population resilience towards adverse effects coming from the climate change.
水务公司弹性+ COVID-19应对
This installment in our webinar series sharing information on the hottest topics trending NOW from some of the foremost industry experts is focused on Water Utility Resiliency — from what it takes to plan and prepare for long-term issues such as climate change, 如何调整规划和应对COVID-19等不可预见的挑战. 弹性是指我们如何准备和应对自然、社会和经济风险.
正规博彩十大网站排名 Global 解决方案 Director of Buildings Systems Charles Funk delivers new reference material for building owners, 经理, operators and occupants of buildings as the world navigates challenges and operational and design considerations for building systems both during and post the COVID-19 pandemic.
正规博彩十大网站排名' s Ion©工业物联网平台实现安全返回工作场所
正规博彩十大网站排名 leverages the power of digitization to help facilitate the safe return to on-premise work environments providing location-aware technology and automated intelligence supporting COVID-19 contact tracing efforts in the event of an outbreak.
全世界都在焦急地等待新型冠状病毒的治愈方法, 雅各布斯刚刚被选中提供工程服务, 采购, 改造阿斯利康西切斯特工厂的施工管理和调试/鉴定/验证, 俄亥俄州的一家生产工厂将生产一种潜在的抗COVID-19疫苗.
正规博彩十大网站排名 has developed a new COVID-19 modeling software program that is based on accepted probabilistic modeling techniques, 并融合了COVID-19感染统计的公开数据集, 例如疾病控制和预防中心的隔离指南, 其他公开数据, 以及客户或组织级别的数据, 并探讨了基于各种非药物干预的病毒传播之间的差异.
Dr. Nino Kharaishvili加入正规博彩十大网站排名,担任公司卫生系统弹性实践负责人
雅各布斯很高兴地宣布尼诺·哈拉伊什维利, MD, 工商管理硕士, PMP, 提出, 卫生安全和卫生系统应急准备和复原力方面的全球专家, 已加入该公司的联邦 & 环境解决方案团队作为卫生系统弹性实践的负责人.
雅各布斯正在加入一个国际建筑师联盟, 工程师, 医生, military experts and NGOs to convert shipping containers into plug-in Intensive-Care Unit Pods for the COVID-19 pandemic. 在本文中了解更多信息.
是时候以不同的方式思考未来了——思考我们如何准备和应对自然灾害, 社会和经济风险. 雅各布斯提供了全面的首页, 为政府提供技术和情报解决方案, 城市和私营部门的客户得以生存, 恢复, 适应和茁壮成长,无论他们经历的慢性压力和急性冲击.